How do I make a gift contribution?

It's easy to make contributions to someone else's Oregon ABLE Savings Plan account. You can make online gift contributions for as little as $5 to as much as $19,000 through a beneficiary’s personal gifting page. Simply ask the recipient to send you their unique gifting URL. Or, you can make offline contributions with our Gift Form (PDF).

Anyone who sends a gift can set up recurring contributions—for birthdays, holidays, or just because—and save their information in a convenient gifting profile to streamline future gifting. Although not an account holder, gift givers will have their own personal dashboard with easy access to review their gifting history and receipts.

You can also connect any BottleDrop account to an Oregon ABLE account. As you recycle your cans and bottles, those deposits can automatically fund the Oregon ABLE account (or accounts) of your choosing.