How do I link an Oregon ABLE account with a BottleDrop account to make automatic contributions?
It's easy to connect your accounts and set up recurring contributions.
1. Visit to log in to your BottleDrop account using your username and password.
2. When viewing your account, click “Oregon College Savings Plan."
Note: You will go through the process as if you are connecting an Oregon College Savings Plan account, but you will input your Oregon ABLE account number in Step 5.
3. Select “Connect and Manage Accounts.”
4. Click the “Add New Recipient” button.
5. Enter your Oregon ABLE account details, including your account number (10-11 digits).
Note: To find your account number, log in to your Oregon ABLE account, click on the beneficiary (if you have more than one), go to “Settings” in the upper right, select “Account Information,” then click show next to “Account Number.”
6. Save the changes, and you're good to go!
Keep in mind, you can connect more than one BottleDrop account to your Oregon ABLE account, so friends and family can regularly gift their deposits to your account.